Pressure Regulating/Booster Station
High pressure natural gas pipelines for electric power generation plants are equipped with various stations. These stations include a governor station that supplies natural gas to customers, a fuel gas pressure regulating facility, and a gas booster facility suitable for advanced combined cycle power plants, which are required to be highly reliable, stable, and safe.
JFE Engineering provides total engineering for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of gas transmission pipelines, including gas pressure regulating/booster facilities.
Project examples
Governor station
The governor station, which regulates the gas pressure to make it suitable for the municipal gas distribution network, can meet various needs including those for auxiliary equipment (odorization, heat value control, etc.), according to the pipeline capacity or pressure.
Fuel gas pressure regulating facility for electric power generation plants
JFE Engineering can provide integrated services from system design to construction including commissioning in terms of a fuel gas pressure regulating facility for electric power generation plants
Fuel gas booster facility for electric power generation plants
JFE Engineering can provide integrated services from system design to construction including commissioning in terms of a fuel gas booster facility for electric power generation plants.