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  3. Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities in Malaysia Started Full-scale Operation

Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities in Malaysia Started Full-scale Operation

14 March 2024
JFE Engineering Corporation
J&T Recycling Corporation
JFE Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd.

J&T Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd. (Managing Director: Koh Chee Yong, Head Office: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; hereinafter, JBAM) completed the construction of Sustainable Scheduled Waste Treatment Center (hereinafter, SSWTC) and started full-scale operation. J&T Recycling Corporation (President and CEO: Tetsuo Tsuyuguchi, Head Office: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture; hereinafter J&T Recycling) and JFE Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Managing Director: Shu Suehiro, Head Office: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; hereinafter, JFEE Malaysia), group companies of JFE Engineering Corporation (President and CEO: Hajime Oshita, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), have capital participation in JBAM since 2021.

JBAM operates SSWTC located in Selangor with the following components: thermal treatment incineration, cement solidification and secure landfill for safe treatment and disposal of hazardous waste liquids/solids, waste oils, medical wastes, and various other types of industrial hazardous waste in Malaysia. The landfill operation was already started in February of 2023. The Launching Ceremony was held upon the completion of the waste-to-energy incineration plant constructed by the consortium of JFEE Malaysia and Tsukishima Engineering Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. on 13th of March.

This is the group's first oversea project in the field of waste management. J&T Recycling participate in the project with operating expertise nourished through long time plant operation of its various incineration plants in Japan and JFEE Malaysia with the project management capabilities backed up by its track record in many waste treatment and chemical plants in Malaysia. Environmental pollution originating from industrial waste has become increasingly serious in Malaysia. The two companies will contribute to promote proper treatment in hazardous waste management through the stable operation of the plant.

By developing the business in waste treatment plant construction and operation, the JFE Engineering Group will continue to contribute realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a circular economy society worldwide.

Outline of JBAM

Company name J&T Berjaya Alam Murni Sdn. Bhd.
Representative Koh Chee Yong
Head office Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Shareholders Berjaya Enviro Holdings Sdn. Bhd.(*) 70 %
J&T Recycling Corporation 25 %
JFE Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd. 5 %

(*)Shares will be transferred from Berjaya Group to Naza Corporation Holdings.
Outline of businesses Total industrial hazardous waste treatment business
Incineration, landfill disposal, solidification, etc. of waste liquids, waste oils, medical wastes, waste solvents, etc.
Incineration plant Constructed by the consortium of JFEE Malaysia and Tsukishima Engineering Malaysia Sdn. Bhd

Launching Ceremony on 13th of March

20240314_Opening Ceremony on 13th of March.jpg

SSWTC Site View


For inquiries regarding this press release, please contact:

  • Public Relations Section, General Administration Department, JFE Engineering Corporation
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  3. Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities in Malaysia Started Full-scale Operation