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  3. Japan's First Successful Production of Methanol from Municipal solid waste

Japan's First Successful Production of Methanol from Municipal solid waste

31 March 2022
JFE Engineering Corporation
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.

JFE Engineering Corporation (President and CEO: Hajime Oshita, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), and Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. (President: Masashi Fujii, Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) have succeeded in converting CO₂ recovered from waste incineration exhaust gas into methanol in demonstration test of the CCU (Carbon dioxide Capture and Utilization) process, which synthesizes methanol from CO₂.

Methanol is a basic chemical applied for a variety of chemical products. Among them, green methanol *1, using biomass-derived CO₂ and hydrogen derived from renewable energy are highly decarbonizing and attracting attention as prominent materials for clean energy.

The two companies agreed that they would like to contribute to the creation of a decarbonized society through the production of green methanol and decided to conduct a joint demonstration test. CO₂ recovered at the WtE plant "Clean Plaza Fujimi" *2 was used to conduct a methanol conversion test at Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Niigata Research Laboratory. It was confirmed that methanol could be produced from CO₂ in waste incineration exhaust gas.

JFE Engineering has been carrying out a demonstration test at the WtE plant to capture CO₂ from the waste incineration exhaust gas since 2021FY. We have verified that CO₂ recovery rate is 90% or higher and the purity of captured CO₂ is above 99.5%.

JFE Engineering will strive to enhance the value of WtE plants by integrating the "CCU-Ready Plant*3" function with our proprietary technologies such as high-efficiency power generation, energy-saving, DX, which have been introduced in other WtE plants in Japan.
In addition, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical will continue to promote initiatives to convert CO₂, waste plastics, biomass, and other materials into methanol, using its own catalysts that it has cultivated over many years, and recycle them as chemicals, fuels, and power generation applications ("Circular Carbon Methanol Concept *4") based on the Group Mission "Creating value to share with society".

The two companies will continue to accelerate these efforts to realize "Decarbonization leading areas" advocated and promoted by the Ministry of the Environment JAPAN, thereby contributing to the revitalization of local economies and the resolution of regional issues.

  • *1 Methanol produced from CO₂ captured from combustion gases of biomass and hydrogen derived from renewable energy.
  • *2 Clean Plaza Fujimi is a WtE facility maintained by the Fujimi Hygiene Association (7-50-30 Jindaiji Higashimachi, Chofu, Tokyo), established by the cities of Mitaka and Chofu. EPC duties were performed by JFE Engineering, who is also responsible for operation & maintenance of the facility for a duration of twenty years.
  • *3
  • *4  
CO₂ capture and recovery test facility
Methanol produced from CO₂ in the waste incineration exhaust gas

For inquiries regarding this press release, please contact:

  • Public Relations Section, General Administration Department, JFE Engineering Corporation
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  3. Japan's First Successful Production of Methanol from Municipal solid waste